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This is just a second page to post some more cheats.If you have any questions email me.I hope you enjoy this page!

Cliffhanger answers
A buzz will never sting you
A chia who is a mocker dances without a tamborine
A journey of a million miles begins on the marketplace map
A kyrii will get very upset if its hair gets messed up
A miss is as good as a mister
A neopoint saved is a neopoint not enough
A scorchio is a good storyteller if it can make a Skeith listen
A tuskaninny named colin lives on terror mountain
All neopets can find a job at the employment agency
All roads lead to neopia
An air of mystery surrounds the acara
An idle mind is the best way to relax
An iron rod bends while it is hot
Ask a lot of questions but only take what is offered
Asparagus is the food of the gods

Bang and smash your way to the top in the bumper cars game
Become a BattleDome master by training on the Mystery Island
Be nice to Shoyrus or else
Be sure to visit the Neggery for some great magical neggs
Better late than never
Better to be safe than meet up with a monocerous
Bouncing around on its tail the blumaroo is quite happy
Bronto bites are all the rage and they are meaty and very easy to carry
Bruce could talk under wet cement with a mouthful of marbles
Building a neohome is a way to build a foundation for your little pets
By all means make neofriends with peophins but learn to swim first
By all means trust in neopia but tie your camel first

Carrots are so expensive these days
Catch the halter rope and it will lead you to the kau
Chia bombers are mud slinging fools
Chias are loveable little characters who are full of joy
Children should not be seen spanked or grounded
Chombys are shy and eat plants
Chombys hate fungus balls with a passion
Congratulations to everybody who helped defeat the evil monoceraptor
Count Von Roo is one of the nastier denizens of neopia
Cliffhanger is a brilliant game that will make your pet more intelligent

Dirty snow is the best way to make your battledome opponent mad
Do not bathe if there is no water
Do not be greedy and buy every single food item from the shops
Do not be in a hurry to tie what you cannot untie
Do not open a shop if you cannot smile
Do not speak of an elephante if there is no tree nearby
Do not think there are no jetsams if the water is calm
Do not try to talk to a shy peophin
Do not wake the snowager unless you want to be eaten
Doctor Sloth tried to mutate neopets but failed
Dr Death is the keeper of disowned neopets
Dr Frank Sloth is green
Dung furniture stinks like dung

Eat all day at the giant omelette but do not be greedy
Enter the lair of the beast if you dare
Every buzz is a kau in the eyes of its mother
Every neopet should have a job and a corndog
Everyone loves to drink a hot cup of borovan now and then
Experience is the comb that nature gives us when we are bald

Faerie food is food from the heavens
Faerie pancakes go great with crazy crisp tacos
Faerie poachers hang out in Faerieland with their jars wide open
Faerieland is not for pets that are afraid of heights or fluffy clouds
Faeries are quite fond of reading
Faeries bend down their wings to a seeker of knowledge
Flame the Tame is a ferocious feline fireball
Flotsams are no longer limited edition
Fly around the canyons of tyrannia shooting the evil pterodactyls and grarrls
Frolic in the snow of happy valley
Fuzios wear the coolest red shoes

Garon loves an endless challenging maze
Give the wheel of excitement a spin or two or three
Get three times the taste with the triple dog
Grarrg is the tyrannian battle master that takes no slack
Grarrls are ferocious creatures or at least they try to be
Great neopets are not always wise

Happy Gadgadsbogen Day
Have you told your friends about the greatest site on earth
Have you trained your pet for the Battledome

If a pteri and lenny were to race neither would win
If at first you do not succeed play the ice caves puzzle again
If you go too slow try to keep your worms in a tin
If you live with lupes you will learn to howl
If you see a man riding a wooden stick ask him why
If you want to have lots of adventures then adopt a wocky
If your hedge needs trimming call a chomby
If your totem is made of wax do not walk in the sun
It is always better to give than to receive
It makes total sense to have a dung carpet in your dung neohome

Jetsams are the meanest Neopets to ever swim the Neopian sea
Jarbjarbs like to watch the tyrannian sunset while eating a ransaurus steak
Jubjubs defend themselves with their deafening screech

Kacheeks have mastered the art of picking flowers
Kacheekers is a two player game
Kaus love to sing although they only know a single note
Kauvara mixes up potions like no other
Keep your broken toys clean
Keep your pet company with a neopet pet
Kikoughela is a fancy word for cough medicine
Kois invented the robotic fish
Korbats are creatures of the night
Kougras are said to bring very good luck
Krawk have been known to be as strong as full grown neopets
Kyriis take special pride in their fur
Kyruggi is the grand elder in the tyrannian town hall

Let every zafara take care of it's own tail
Listen to your pet or your tongue will keep you deaf
Look out for the moehog transmogrification potion lurking around
Love your neopet but do not hug it too much

Make certain your pet is well equipped before entering the battledome
Magical ice weapons are from the ice cave walls
Maybe the missing link is really missing
Meercas are talented pranksters that take pride in their tails
Meercas are to blame for all the stolen fuzzles
Meercas despise red neggs
Mika and Carassa Want You To Buy Their Junk
Mister pickles has a terrible tigersquash habit
Moogi is a true poogle racer
Most Wild Kikos Swim in Kiko Lake
Mr black makes the best shopkeeper
Myncis come from large families and eat their dinner up in the trees
Myncis love to hug their plushies and eat sap on a stick

Never underestimate the power of streaky bacon
Neopets battledome is not for the weak or sensitive
Neopian inflation is a fact of life
Nimmos are very spiritual beings
No news is impossible
Number six is on the run

Oh where is the tooth faerie when you need her
Only ask of the Queen Faerie what you really need
Only mad gelerts and englishmen go out in the noonday sun
Only real card sharks play cheat

Pet rocks make the most playful of petpets
Please wipe your feet before you enter the Scorchio den
Plesio is the captain of the tyrannian sea division
Put all of your neopoints on poogle number two
Poogle five is very chubby but is lightning quick
Poogle number five always wins unless he trips over a hurdle
Poogles have extremely sharp teeth and they are cuddly
Poogles look the best in frozen collars

Quiggles spend all day splashing around in the pool at the neolodge


Scorchios like hot places
Scratch my back and i will scratch yours
Skeiths are strong but very lazy
Snowbeasts love to attack grundos with mud snowballs
Some neggs will bring you big disappointment
Some neggs will bring you big neopoints
Some neohomes are made with mud and dung and straw
Space slushies are just the thing on a cold winter day
Sticks n stones are like the greatest band ever
Stego is a baby stegosaurus that all neopets love
Store all of your Neopian trading cards in your neodeck
Super Glue is forever

Take your pet to tyrammet for a fabulous time
Terror Mountain is home to the infamous Ski Lodge
The advent calendar is only open in december
The Alien Aisha Vending Machine serves great good
The barking of Lupes does not hurt the clouds
The battledome is near but the way is icy
The beader has a beaming smile
The beast that lives in the tyrannian mountains welcomes all visitors with a sharp smile
The best thing to spend on your neopet is time
The big spender is an international jet setter
The Bruce is from Snowy Valley High School
The bluna was first sighted under the ice caps of tyrannia
The Cybunny is the fastest neopet ever
The Grarrl will roar and ten eggs will hatch into baby grarrls
The healing springs mends your wounds after battle
The hidden tower is for big spenders only
The lair of the beast is cold and dark inside
The library faerie tends to the crossword puzzle
The kindhearted faerie queen rules faerieland with a big smile
The meat of a sporkle is bitter and inedible
The meerca is super fast making it difficult to catch
The Neopedia is a good place to start your Neopian Adventures
The Neopian Hospital will help get your pet on the road to recovery
The pen is mightier than the pencil
The pound is not the place to keep streaky bacon
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The Snow Faerie Quest is for those that can brave the cold
The Snowager sleeps most of its life
The sunken city of Maraqua has some great hidden treasures
The tatsu population was almost reduced to extinction
The techo is a tree acrobat
The tyrannian jungle is full of thick muddle and mash
The tyrannian volcano is the hottest place in neopia
The wheel of mediocrity is officially the most second rate game around
The whisper of an acara can be heard farther than the roar of a wocky
The wise aisha has long ears and a short tongue
There is nothing like a tall glass of slime potion
There is only one ryshu and there is only one techo master
To know and to act are one and the same
Today is your lucky day
Tornado rings and cement mixers are unstoppable
Treat your usul well and it will be useful
Tyrannia is the prehistoric kingdom miles beneath the surface of neopia
Tyrannians will eat everything and anything

Uggaroo follows footsteps to find food for his family
Uggaroo gets tricky with his coconut shells
Uggsul invites you to play a game or two of tyranu evavu
Under a tattered cloak you will generally find doctor sloth
Unis just love looking at their reflection


We never know the worth of items till the wishing well is dry
Whack a beast and win some major points
When an Elephante is in trouble even a Nimmo will kick him
When eating a radioactive negg remember the pet who planted it
When friends ask about the battledome say there is no tomorrow
When the blind lead the blind get out of the way
When there is smoke there is pollution
Why beg for stuff when you can make money at the wheel of excitement
With the right training Tuskaninnys can become quite fearsome fighters


Yes boy ice cream sell out all of their shows
You can lead a kau to water but you cannot make it drink
You cannot teach an old grarrl mathematics
You cannot wake a Bruce who is pretending to be asleep
You know the soup kitchen is a great place to go
You know you can create a free homepage for your pet
You know you should never talk to Bruce even when his mouth is full
You probably do not want to know what that odor is
You really have to be well trained if you want to own a wild reptillior
You should not throw baseballs up when the ceiling fan is on
You should try to raise your hit points
Your neopet will need a mint after eating a chili cheese dog with onions
Your pet deserves a nice stay at the neolodge


Deck Swabber Solutions
Thanks to OxxLemmingxxO@aol.com who submitted many of these answers

Stage 1: make all squares yellow
Level 1: 64 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 2: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 3: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 4: 48 squares

8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1

Level 5: 52 squares

7 , 8-10 ,11,12,13,14,15-17,18
6 , 9 ,##,55,54,##, 26 ,19
5 , ### ,##,56,53,##, ### ,20
4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ,52,51, 50 ,21
39, 40 ,41,42,47,48, 49 ,22
38, ## ,##,43,46,##,#####,23
37, 34 ,##,44,43,##, 27 ,24
36,35-33,32,31,30,29, 28-26,27

Stage 2: make all squares yellow BUT if you step on a square that is already yellow it will turn brown
Level 1: 64 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 2: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 3: 60 squares

1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8

Level 4: 48 squares

8 , 7 , 6 , 5 , 4 , 3 , 2 , 1

Level 5: 52 squares ( you'll have to be careful on this level by avoiding the enemy because you have to jump into the squares with water in it)

7 , 8 ,11,12,13,14,15,16
6 , 9 ,10,55,56,##,18,17
5 ,##,##,54,53,##,19,20
4 , 3 , 2 , 1 ,32,31,30,21

Alien Invasion Guide
Alien Invasion, the game of math, intuition, speedy hands and a quick mouse. In order to fully blitz this game, one must have a calculator at his/her side (with big buttons of course), preferably two, and a friend or two to help with the later levels. Unless you can multiply extensive numbers in your head quickly (it is possible if you train yourself), then the only way to beat your way to a high score if through the use of patient friends.

Basically, Neopia is under attack and you can defend Neopia is by shooting laser beams at the aliens. However, like always, there is a catch. Shooting requires miniscule precise calculations to release the potent laser beam to blast them back home. At times, the aliens will swarm you, and you will need to co-ordinate quickly your hand movements and your typing to repel the invaders.

Always begin at the easiest level as it gives you valuable easy points to set you off to a hard start. You may find it simply easy but it does become significantly harder later on, especially after level 10. Make sure that your mouse and hands are positioned correctly. For instance, I am a right handed guy and I use my right hand on the mouse, and my left hand to type in the numbers quickly. Many people prefer using the number keypad as it is significantly quicker but it is up to you how you play the game.

As soon as the alien appears on the screen, click on the alien, type in the answer and press enter. Remember that you do not have to wait for the missile to hit the target to move on, you can continue as soon as the missile launches out of its base.

After level 10, you will begin using your calculator depending on your mental arithmetic level. It really helps to have a friend here as you still have to continue shooting the aliens back. Have your friend tackle the first wave of attack while you concentrate on the second to save valuable time.

Congratulations, you are now past level 20. Here, it is recommended you have 3 helpers, yourself and three calculators. Have one of your friends concentrate on the right two columns of the alien, your other friend concentrate on the left, and you helping out where ever you can.

There is no limit to how far you can go, but as usual, the more people helping, the better. If you plan to go for the high score, keep in mind that it might take a fair while but patience is a virtue and practice makes perfect! With all that said, I wish you luck in this game and possibly, a high score :)

Better Than You Guide
Better Than You, the great game show featuring your suave, charming host, the guy with the squeaky clean smile! Every week, the game show features a brand new contestant which scores a high game score in a random game. Your quest? To challenge the character and beat them in it! Sound easy? It's not, well, not always. if you like challenges, then this is the game for you to play!

Better than you's contestants range from chias to the Faerie Queen herself! From game of Kiko Match to Korbat's Lab, its a race against the clock to beat these contestants, as the first twenty to beat him/her will win great prizes including 20 thousand neopoints, a prize of the week and a shiny gold trophy to display, not to mention bragging rights.

Technically, not many people are able to get the gold in this game. Many of the people that do, are coincidently already playing the game, and have past the score needed, but sent their score a few seconds after the game is announced. If you don't like chances however, why not open up every game in a new window, play them to a really high score, leave your computer on all week and send score for the game that corresponds to the Better Than You that is released. This is however a tad on the obsessive side so I do not recommend this. If none else, your electricity bill will be quite substantial.

Here however are some tips to getting the first place trophy.

Meerca Chase: Often, the score to beat is 600, just keep refreshing the game until you see the rare neggs.
Mutant Graveyard of Doom: Like Meerca Chase, just keep refreshing the game until you see rare foods.

The rest as you can say is simply like that. Just figure out the game secrets (or if you don't feel like putting in the effort), many of the known secrets are pre listed on this website.

Whether it be aiming for the gold, the silver, the bronze, the money prize or the prize of the week, this game is definitely fun. If its free, and has the chance to win you big, why not give it a go? You won't be disappointed :)

Bumper Cars Guide
A game of quick intuition, rough speed and banging, bumper cars will not only help you ease your frustration, it will also earn you neopoints on the side! and possibly, a shiny new trophy to display and bragging rights. This game is played rodeo style, four cars locked in a ring where they crash and bang each other to victory. The victor, the last one standing.

There are many hints and tips to this game. To effectively beat this game and receive a higher score, you must aim not to lose hp, even though you still gain a little bit at the start of each new level. Even though you may be at full health, the extra health at the new level will add to it. When you hit a car, immediately back away as the opponent car often charges you straight after doing major damage. A good strategy is to hit the opponent car front on, then reverse, and hit another car boot first. Most people play this game by running in circles in the center, letting other cars bang into them but hurting themselves while others dodge the other cars and finish off the last one. Any method is fine but remember that you can only score points for as many hits as you do.

In the game, there are multiple upgrades. If you are a user of the circle running tactic, then get the oil slick. This will make your wheels more slippery and make you spin in a tight circle round and round. If nothing else, the tire tracks look pretty neat :)

If you are a full frontal assaulter tactician, then never ever attack if there are two or three of your opponent cars near each other. Most likely they will all hit you causing major damage to your vehicle. Rather, try focusing on one at time.

Another method is to bang your opponent into the wall for major damage. Although you may not score as high in that level, you pass it nonetheless in a short time. For instance, you bang into the car for 5 damage points and then it bangs into the wall for another 5, or possibly 10. That's 15 damage points all up!

Never ever stay near the walls. Many a time, people accidentally turn into it losing nearly over a quarter of their hp. If an opponent car also hits you, your car will be sent into the wall making you lose extra hp.

Although theoretically, the game is played rough and tumble, a good strategy will send you a long way in the game. Play fair, and most of all, play smart. Knowledge is a very powerful thing.

Caption Competition Guide
From quirky quirks to straight out funny imagery, the caption competition will test your wits and humor. With a picture each week, you, the neopian will be able to create a short story, quote, speech that turns the image into a hilariously funny story. Why not give it a go? It is simple, yet entertaining at the same time. Did I mention the free factor?

Basically, to win this game, make sure that you submit your lines as soon as the newest competition opens as many high vote counts go towards the earlier entries. Although there is no set time limit to when a new competition arises, just keep your wits about you and check the news page every other day or so and if you are lucky, you'll be one of the first to submit in a quirky line!

I've noticed over the recent competition that many winners are short funny lines. Be original and make up a line that is surprising and takes the reader totally off guard. That will ensure a winner for sure! If you didn't win, there were either funnier ones or you didn't get yours in on time.

That basically wraps it all up. A good humor, laughter and a fun loving nature will take you a long way :) Cheerio!

Carnival of Terror
Written by - by Jacque W. :p (jackie)

This is an easy game. All you have to do is shoot pies and robots.

Clown chia's head-2 points.

Clown chia's arm-4 points.
*If the chia is crawling and missing one of its arms, watch out! It will explode and take one of your lives.

Clown chia's shorts-1 point.
*If it falls, these are VERY explosive, so it might blow up.

Clown chia's umbrella-3 points
*If you shoot the chia when it's really high up, it usually explodes. This will not take one of your lives.

Clown chia's inside-1 point
*You only get to shoot the skeleton if you shoot it's head first.

Pie-5 points.
*If it hits you, it will take away one of your lives.

1.Watch out for the pies. They make you lose one life every time one of them hits you.

2.Keep an eye on your clock. If you run out of time, you'll die and have to send your score.

3.Look for falling items. DO NOT MISS THEM! They are important and help you out.

The items are the things that fall from the sky with red and white parachutes and ARE NOT CHIAS. To get the items, shoot them.

1.The most important items are the extra lives. They are the white boxes with the red crosses on them.

2.The clocks are important, too. Shoot them to get extra time.
They look just like clocks, so, no problem identifying them.

3.The bullets are VERY important. If you run out of them, you die.
The are the brown, wooden boxes.

If you run out of lives, time, or bullets, you lose.

This game is very simple and easy. (Even if you have bad hand- eye coordination) Keep trying, and you can make a TON of np!

Cheat Guide
The only game in Neopets where you can cheat, this game is also one of the easiest to win a trophy! This game however is based mainly on luck of the draw, but also, despite popular belief, there is a strategy to playing this game! And here, I will Endeavor to discuss them with you, and maybe on the way converse on finer points of conversation ;]

If you do not know the cheat rules as of yet, please read them on the neopets site as this guide may confuse you, apart from that, good luck!

Cheat is a very easy game, however, it does take at least 2 days to receive your first trophy (unless you play neopets 24/7) To climb the ladder off success, follow these easy steps!

1) Always get rid of your singles first! Save your doubles and triples and quadruples to last.
2) Never cheat unless you have to
3) When cheating, do not do outrageous cheats (such as 6 fours) but rather, try to cheat as closet to your available card as possible as this minimises your chances of getting caught.
4) To loose cards more quickly, if the person in front of you plays only one card, and the deck only has 1 card on it, accuse him/her of cheating! Wacky as it sounds, its not really, you receive a free turn! Say the person in front of you played a 3, and you wanted that three, just accuse him. If he was cheating, you get the 3 anyway! But if he was cheating, you receive your free turn! Note* Do not do this if you are able to continue playing extra cards, only do this if you are stuck.
5) Do not accuse people unless you are absolutely certain, especially when the pile is huge.
6) If a player has been found cheating and inherited a huge pile, do not be suspicious of his played cards (such as 3 of a number) as most likely, he wont be cheating.
7) Many players cheat at the start of the game!
8) Do not be disheartened if you inherit a large pile, comebacks may lead to you winning!

All that said, you can now see that mastering this game is not at all hard! After level 3, you receive your bronze trophy! 2 levels after that, your silver trophy and 2 levels after that, your gold trophy! Anyway, me mastering this game, I am now off to become a pokemon master! Gotta Catch Em All! ~_^

Chia Bombers Tips

Easier win on first level
Submitted by max
After you start the game kill all chis but one. then, go to the first row at the very top. place all your mines where the evil chias would start when you start the game then click on restart and the mines will stay there, and kill 5 of the 8 chias. here's a picture (m=mine)

_m_m_m _m_m_ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

now, you will only have to kill three chias. if you kill them very fast(about 8 secs)you will get at least 150 points.

Chomby and the Fungus Balls More Reading

Chomby and the Fungus Balls Guide
Written by Sigadel psmemo@mediaone.net
Tips to help you get three magical plushies a day, and at least 2400 neopoints!!!

Being a Grand Master at Chomby and The Fungus Balls is difficult, but you only need 800 points to get a magical plushie. The most common plushies are red and blue, green is uncommon, and gold is really hard to get. I sell my plushies in my shop according to rarity. They seem to sell quite well.
But enough about that. You came here for a strategy guide.

Level 1: This ones pretty simple. You've got two mushrooms circling around this square with a turning door in it with a fungus ball inside, along with the star you need to get inside the portal. Notice that mushrooms move on a fixed path. This makes them easy to avoid. So just get past the two mushrooms, and try to get the fungus ball beside the lower right or upper right opening of the turning door. You'll need to push the rotating door so that it forces the fungus ball out of the square, giving you a better chance to grab the star, and just get to the portal.

Level 2: You start out in the center of a huge square with two mushrooms rotating above and below you. Try to get past the two mushrooms above you and go through the rotating door. And be careful because it's a tight squeeze between you, the fungus ball, and the star. After you get it either go back through the rotating door or go around the huge square by going up, right and down through the east rotating door. Another fungus ball stands between you and beating this level.

Level 3: This one can be a nightmare if the fungus ball rolling around the outside of the maze gets into the area with two mushrooms and another fungus ball inside. Worse, if a mushroom gets into the inner maze with the other two mushrooms guarding the star, threes a good chance that all three mushrooms will bounce off each other, making it impossible to get to the star. You start off on the right so make your way up, left down and get inside above the star pad. Try and follow the mushrooms and NOT the fungus ball. once you get to the area with two mushrooms, wait for both of them to pass before and after you get to the star. Follow the mushrooms, but not so close as to crash into them, because the fungus balls can bounce them around.

Level 4: This one is easy. You start off on the left side with the fungus ball rolling above you. If the fungus ball come after you, then you can just hide in the gap on the top or the bottom. To get to and from the star, you'll have to time your movements with those of the four mushrooms. don't go too slow or too fast. And be careful of the other fungus ball guarding the star pad.

Level 5: You're in for it here if you're not careful. This level is a big open space with some cube blocks scattered about and fungus balls and mushrooms flying everywhere. Lucky for you, this open space gives you plenty of room to move around, which is exactly what you need to beat this level.

Level 6: Another easy one if you're quick. There are three or four mushrooms hovering around the star in a big octagon, one purple fungus ball and two brown fungus balls. Unlike the purple fungus balls, the brown ones can move in more than one direction at a time, so watch out. Just watch the mushrooms and fungus balls and try not to put yourself in a tight space.

Level 7: If you practice enough, this should be the last level you need to get 800 points. It'll take you a couple of tries though. There are a lot of places where you can get trapped. There's only two mushrooms and they've added more brown fungus balls to make it interesting. My advice is to push the turntable near the star pad a little so that you'll have easy access to it after you get the star. Set a path where you'll have few encounters with fungus balls.

Chute Game Guide
Chute, the Tetris like game is a classic! remolded NeoPets version of course! Like Tetris, the aim is to create horizontal lines and at the same time, accumulate points. The more risk you take, the higher the point you can accumulate. For instance, if you waited for a four line grab instead of immediately taking the one line grab, you would get more points. However, there is a risk that you will nearly create the four line but also run out of space, thus receiving no points and losing the game.

There is a bonus however, if you do successfully clear four lines, you receive an extra kacheek, who when called upon, (pressing K) will unleash a fury of juggernaut power to help you clear the lines! (Great when you nearly run out of space).

There are many strategic ways to play this game, I will attempt to highlight them here.

The single liner goer:
If you are the single liner, then prepare for a long haul, for to reach those top scores, its possible (not to mention safe). But it requires a lot of time and patience. Strictly speaking, there is no real strategy to this. Just play and play and play and you will walk away with a shiny new trophy. Just a note, do not panic when you discover you have missed a hole, just move your way until you are down to it and you can clear it :)

The awesome four liner:
If you are the four liner type, then play carefully, for you may accumulate those big points, but you risk the loss of the game. The very game hinges on your choices and one wrong move can usurp your whole work. When you aim for four liners, aim to leave a straight vertical line in amidst the building of blocks. When a long stick (you know the ones I'm talking about) comes along, always aim to place them horizontally because by placing it vertically, you are restricting your options later on. If this is not possible, then go for the vertical, but either on the far left or far right of the screen. The four liners can only be cleared by the long vertical line block so until you find one, keep building up the sides for multiple fours! Every time you hit a four, you receive a Sylvester Kacheek. Only use these when your blocks rise extremely high and you have no straight line blocks at your disposal. Keep doing this and you will find that your game will quickly reach the high scores :)

Code Breakers Tips

Some tips
Submitted by
Gothica423@aol.com I play this game a lot at times. I'm not the best person in the world at it, but i do have some tips for people.

number 1: the first code is either always all red, or it is red and white.

number 2: sometimes the second code can be all white, or red and white again. most of the time it is white and yellow.

number3: if the first two codes were red and white, this one will be white and yellow. otherwise, this one will have orange in it.

basically, the codes go in order of the colors on the stones. when you get higher into the levels, it is best to do ever line a solid color until you have gotten all the colors for the code. sometimes this will take four turns, and you will only have four chances to guess the code correctly. I hope these tips help you.

Country Bears Tips Easier gaming tips Submitted by Tina CC Country Bear Guide is probably the most easy game to complete the levels IF you know the following trick..... 1) Before the game starts, draw 5 circles that are positioned the same as the bears in the game. Spaced them out a little bit. 2) If the top left bear plays first, then put a "1" on the top left circle that you have on the paper. Then if the bottom right bear plays the second followed by the first top left bear, put a "2" on the bottom right circle that you have on the paper. 3) Just keep doing this and you'll ALWAYS know the exact order that the bears play. Do NOT reuse the circles after the level is completed, you need to draw five new circles

Excellent tips

To find the answers that can't be found in pinkpoogletoy (for newbies):

Questions about "ticker symbol"
Go to the bottom game section, and go to the stock market. click find stocks. there you can find all the initials of the companies.

Questions about ski lodge:
Click explore and go to the top of the terror mountain. enter ski lodge. if it's a question about a room, you can just explore the rooms. if it's a question about ski lodger, most of the time you can just go the the character instruction and look for the name that can fit into the puzzle.

Questions about a items:
If the item name is half given (ex. puppy__), go to shop wizard and type in the words they give you, and find the whole name of the item. if only the clue of the item is given, sorry! you have to use brain this time!

Deckball Guide
Deckball, is the latest and new innovative game on neopets. Played like soccer, it will undoubtedly bring unto you hours upon hours of enjoyment. The aim, of course, if to kick your ball into your opponents goal, and the only way to do this is to either run to the ball and kick it (obvious) or what I do, use your brains and use a strategy.

Basically, always play difficulty 'Captain' (the hardest) because its the only level in where you get to send score, and hopefully receive a high score and a few dubloons!

So unto the strategy. Many people complain that they cannot score goals because simply, the guys are too hard to control, the reaction time, the sliding surface, no wonder its hard. Well, you know the saying? If its too hard, why try it? Well, in this case it applies. If you wanna know how to score over 5 goals each time you play, try this.

Your opponent, the monkey, will always do mistakes. If you do not move, you will observe that he occasionally hits the ball the wrong way, and often enough, into his own goal.

So, with this in mind, its best to play defensive. If you think about it practically, with the amount of mistakes your opponent executes, and you in goals defending it, your opponent will score the goal for you sooner or later.

Destruct-O-Match Tips

Destruct-o-match Hints

1. always try to get the combinations at the top of the board cleared , unless, by clicking a lower combination , the blocks will fall and make a larger combination.

2. click the combo you're about to destroy only once ( it takes to clicks to destroy it), so you can see how big it actually is before you destroy it so you can see if it disconnects smaller combos farther up.

3. ALWAYS LOOK UP ! before and after clicking a combo look above it to see if there's other combos that you can get out of the way.

4. when you think that there's no more combos left, double-check, the game WON'T tell you if there's another combo that you can clear for points.

5. after you KNOW there's no more combos, click "next level", if you're far enough. otherwise, if it won't let you go on to the next level click either try again or send score depending on how well you do.

6. if you don't like the "boom", turn your volume either down or off, I like destruct-o-match because off the skill, not the sound. and if you do like the sound, then trust me, it'll get real annoying, real fast.

I hope ya guys use these tips, and take it from me, these will let you score higher, I know 'cause I'm a grand master at the game.

Dice-A-Roo Tips

Silver dice, avoid the pant devil attacks

Usually when I play, I keep another window open to my inventory, so that when I win something, I can put it away right away because the pant devil comes frequently. Hopefully this helps. I also find with this dice, the wins are very frequent. It's a good game to play.

Mega tip

This is a great game worth playing daily! It is a super easy game that costs about 400 NPs total a day. (If you play the game the way I am going to describe below...)

Well, first trick is to have your keyboard set at a slow rate. (You can do this by going to your control panel.) Make sure it repeats about 1-2 times every second. This will help you get through the game pretty fast ;) Also, make sure it starts repeating right away. The trick is finding the perfect repeat rate. It can be hard at first. If you repeat too fast, then it it won't work. If you repeat too slow, then you will go to the next page quite often. Take your time in finding the perfect repeat rate for your keyboard.

After you click the "Let's Play! (Cost 5 NP)" button, you will be taken to a screen that had the 5 colored dice & another button that stats "Play Dice-A-Roo"

Immediately after you click that button, hold down your enter key. Keep holding it down for about 3-5 minutes. After that time, let the page process the next page. If your pet has not gotten bored of playing Dice-A-Roo yet, click the back button. Repeat the step of holding down the enter key for a bit longer.

When your pet has become bored, go check your inventory to see if you won any cool prizes! One time I won 3 faeries & 1 negg (plus a lot of other food). I usually average about 10-20 food items that can be sold for on average 50-200 NPs each. Selling at least 5 of these items generally earns back the NPs you spent playing the game until your pet was bored.

Also, check the Lotto to see if you won any Lottery Tickets! If I have had a good day, I can win 3-7 tickets! I've never won the lottery, but you can't go wrong with pretty much free tickets. ;)

Now, if you know your pets stats, check them out. Sometimes the game will raise the level of your current pet. That is always great too ;)

Here is what I received 4/28:
Lottery Tickets: 6 ticket(s)
Level: 0 level(s)
Items: 29 total (1 negg

Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars
Written by Ray (neoname: sirlimpalot)

Evil Fuzzles from Beyond the Stars is a great game to make neopoints, you just have to work for it.
First of all, practice, practice, practice getting your aim on the fuzzles. The point is, don't just fire like crazy, shoot fast, but still keep your aim on the fuzzles.

Level 1:
This is a fairly simple level, just shoot the fuzzles as fast as you can, because the faster you shoot them, the more that comes out, the more points you get. Notice the little 3 x 2 thing? Let's call that the multiplier. Okay, so shoot the fuzzles as fast as you can. Don't miss any. Just start slow, get better and shoot faster. If you miss them, it would be best to start over if you are serious. Every time you miss, the multiplier will start over from 1 x 2, 2 x 2, and so on. Don't let the multiplier fall down. After it reaches 9 x 2, it will go to 10 x 3. I suggest you not press on the multiplier until you've reached AT LEAST x3. Actually, just don't press it.
When you see the little blue thing saying: Approaching Station, maybe attack 1-3 more fuzzles and then press it. It's going to be your own judgment when you click it, if you run out of time, you are pretty much screwed, try starting over. After you click it, if you have time, attack one fuzzle and then click the multiplier, and keep on doing it until you get to station one.
Basically, at this station you want to not get hit, and not miss. Just get better and then start going faster.
Don't forget, you need to kill those little "bombs" on the ground that are rolling to you. If they hit the center of your screen, you get hurt, don't let it happen. By the way, they give you extra "hits". If they are on a side of the screen, use your judgment. If you are clobbering Fuzzle butt, don't bother unless it's down the center.

At station 1:
Okay, now you see your hits are converting to trade points, or VirtuCreds. You should have maybe around 80-140 VirtuCreds, if not, its okay, just try harder next time. You want to buy the mega gun, because there will be tougher Fuzzles with double the attack.

Level 2: Repeat the process of Level One, and remember not to miss any.

At station 2: Lalalala, the hits are converting, yes I know. Okay now you want to buy another Mega Gun level. If you have enough VirtuCreds, buy the side radar. If not, buy it in the next round.

At Level 3: Okay, do the same thing...basically you want to keep on doing this over and over and over.

At station 3: Buy another Mega Gun Level, just keep on buying it every round...If you don't have the Side Radar yet, get it.

Okay, basically you'll be doing this for the rest of the game. At a certain round, it will tell you that prices will go up, buy some shields and some health...(I forgot the name but its the first thing) Make sure you only buy them when they are only 10 VirtuCreds! At another round, there will be a lot of ... everywhere and more ... Just read the thing, make sure you hit the "bombs" rolling on the ground now, if you don't you'll be screwed again.

That's basically it, if you don't get enough VirtuCreds to buy a Mega Gun level, its OK, well it's not, but just deal with it. It's best if you can afford to buy one every round.

Trick the game

Pick a character then start a game. When you get to the screen thats tells you to enter how long you want to hold the ball, enter 1 second and hit throw. When the new screen comes up, hit the back button and enter in 5 seconds. Keep doing this until it is your turn again. then enter 1 second and repeat the steps. What this does is the computer thinks your opponents hold the ball for 5 seconds and you only hold it for 1. This increases your chance of winning.

Cooking Pot Combinations
Battle Related Recipies
Submitted by flamechic078 (HT Weapons)
Everlasting Crystal Ball = Everlasting Apple + Jhudora's Crystal Ball
Faerie Acorn Slingshot = Faerie Acorns + Little Timmy's Slingshot
Noxious Carrot Blade = Carrotblade + Hubrid's Noxious Blade
Bubble Blaster = Basic Dryer + Bubble Blower

Food Recipies
Apple Onion Rings = Green Apple + Onion Rings
Asparagus = Magic Potion + Sunflower Seeds
Banana Grub = Organic Bananas + Wriggling Grub
Barga Burger= Bargusaurus Steak + Prime Veggie Burger
Bargil Surprise = Bargella Root + Dargil Meat
Cabbage Sorbet = Vein Cabbage + Mud n Mayo Dip
Cakecoffee = Chocopie + Cofee
Carrotberry Smash = Organic Carrot + Blueberry Snowpuff
Cheese Cookies = Vegan Cheese + Neo Crackers
Cherry NeoCola = Can of NeoCola + Cherries
Chickayo = Chicken + Mud n Mayo Dip
Chicken Bread Bowl = Orange Chicken + Neowaiian Bread
Chicken Roll = Spicy Wings + Hot Cakes
Cho Sticks = Spironut + Cheese
Chokito Wrap = Sausage and Cheese Roll + Chocolate Neodrops
Chocoberry Pizza = Choco-Strawberry Muffin + Pizza
Chocolate Asparagus = Chocolates + Asparagus
Cone Dog = Cone-Shaped Watermelon + Chili Cheese Dog
Corn Crunchies = Popcorn + Kau Kau Farm Milk
Cup of Hot Borovan = Hot Chocolate + Asparagus
Deliwich = Turkey Deli Slices + Bread
Deluxe Chocolate Chia = White Chocolate Chia + Chocolate Chia Truffle
Deluxe Organic Salad = Organic Red Grapes + Flowers
Dung Cake = Dung + Snow Cake
Ergy Brocolli = Ergy Fruit + Broccoli
Fundus Fruit = Fungi Fruit + Strong Berry
Fungi Pizza = Pizza + Fungi Fruit
Frosted Donut = Doughnutfruit + Snowberries
Fruit Loaf = Banan + Bread
Fruity Seafood Delight = Boiled Sea Serpent + Strawmelon Jam Burger
Grundo Sub = Grundo Stix + Fresh Baguette
Ham and Cheese Sandwich = grilled cheese + Ham
Hot Chocolate = Hot Soup + Chocolate Milkshake
Hot Fish = Fish Pop + Cornupepper
Iced Hamwich = Milky Moo Ice Lolly + Green Ham
Jelly Donut Smoothie = Donut Fruit + Ice Cream Jelly Large
Kracudonut = Kraku Berry + Donut
Meatball Broth = Snowghetti and Meatball + Hot Soup
Meat Stars = Pork Snout + Lime Starfish
Mecha Bread = Mecha Berries + Bread
Mecha Donut = Mecha Berries + Sugar Donut
Mecha Grapes = Mecha Berries + Grapes
Mecha Tiger Jam and Toast = Mechaberries + Tiger Squash + Bread
Muntando Fruit = Teal Juppie + Kraku Berries
Pizapple Surprise = Cheese + Green Apple
Plum Cheese Sandwich = Plum + Grilled Cheese
Plum Crunch Cereal = Neo Crunch Cereal + Plum
Purple Icewich = Purple Juppie + Snow Sandwich
Roast Gargamon = Roast Gargapple + Salmon Steak
Sausage Wrap = Sausage + Bread
Scabergy = Scabu + Ergyfruit
Solid Toast = Mechabread + Grapes
Spiced Melon = Combomelon Plant + Spiced Apple Pie
Sticky Stacks = Golden Juppie + Hot Cakes
Strawnella Shake = Strawberry Chia Pop + Vanilla Milkshake
Stuffed Eel = Pickled Eel + Honey Blossom
Stuffed Surprise = Almost Gummy Rat (Strawberry) + Chewing Dung
Sweet Ham and Fruit = Muntando Fruit + Joint of Ham
Thorn Cookies = Thornberry + Chocolate Chip Cookie
Thorn Cream Cone = Thornberry + Toffee Ice Cream
Twice Veggie = Green Cabbage + Leek
Veggie Chicken = Asparagus + Chicken
Watermelon Soup = Juicy Melon + Bottle of Water

Grub Recipies
Chebu Chebu Grub= Woo Woo Grub + Cheeseburger
Ha Ha Grub= Woo Woo Grub + Ham
Mec Mec Grub= Woo Woo Grub + MechaBerries
Spoc Spoc Grub = Woo Woo Grub + Spotted Pudding with Custard
Wa Wa Grub= Woo Woo Grub + Watermelon Soup

Combination Recipies
Bargjelly Sundae = Carburnujelly Sandwich + Bargil Surprise
Tropical Pudding = Spotted Pudding with Custard + Scabergy
(look up Scabergy in the Food Recipees)

Negg Recipies
Bomatoge = Negg + Sausage
Deviled Negg = Purple Negg + Milk
Ice Chocolate Cake = Ice Negg + Chocolate Cake
Negg Cream Cookie = Scrambled Rainbow Negg + Chocolate Chip Cookie
Negg Stew = Yellow Negg + Blue Negg
Negg Sundae = Pink negg + Chocolate ice cream
Orangetti = Orange Negg + Mummy Spaghetti
Pizapple Surprise = Cheese + Negg
Punegg = Purple Negg + Chocolate Ice cream
Rainbow Vanilla Negg = Rainbow Negg + Vanilla Milkshake
Ranegg = Rainbow Negg + Chocolate Ice cream
Scrambled Rainbow Negg = Rainbow Vanilla Negg + Cinnamon Swirl
Sliced Neggs = Orange Negg + Purple Negg
Yenegg = Yellow Negg + Chocolate Ice Cream

Petpet Recipies
Blooky = Angelpuss + Triffin
ComboBot = Neotrak + Avabot
Flaming Wuzzle = Flaming Torch + Purple Fuzzle
Foobug = Buzzer + Fungree
Froiler = Bloop + Baby Fireball
Huggy Bear = Cool Purple Teddy Bear + Huggy
Moink = Snorkle + Mongmong
Spoppy = Poppit + Spyder
Ultra Mega Bot 2000 = ComboBot + Ultra Pinceron
Ultra Pinceron = Wheelie + Pinceron

Jhudoras Faerie Quest item levels
Thanks to Cari Harper CariHarper@wi.rr.com for this list.

****100 NP

1:Poisionous lollypop
3:Noxtious nectar
5:Jhudoras Brush
8:Purple Blob Potion

****1,000 NP+

11:Jhudora T-Shirt
14:Gnome Shroom
17:Caustic Potion
20:Dark Faerie Magic
23:Malice Potion
26:Purple Spotted Shroom
29:Clockwork Rat
32:Toxic Shroom
35:Dark Shroom
38:Jhudoras Potion
44:Dark Faerie Collar
47:Wand of the Dark Faerie
50:Portable Cloud

Scratch Card Prizes
Faerie's Fortune Scratch Card
The Fortune Faerie Scratch card is somewhat seen as an unlucky scratch card as the majority of the time, you end up losing money. However, if you do win and level up, that means you have saved over 7,000np from the training school. The risk is yours to take. Here is what you can win
- Level Up
- 10,000np
- 5,000np
- Snowballs
- Random Artifact

Race to Riches Scratch Card
The Rags to Riches Scratch card is somewhat seemingly a very popular scratch card as it can make you rich! However, you have a choice of risking it to win 10,000np or selling it off to make a handy little profit. Here is what you can win
- 2,500np
- 5,000np
- 10,000np
- Snowballs (more than 1)
- Quiggle Toy

Terror Trove Scratch Card
- Level Up
- 2500np
- 5,000np
- 10,000np
- Snowballs
- Quiggle Toy

Peak O Plenty Scratch Card
- 50,000np
- Rare Artifact of Terror Mountain
- Level Up
- 10,000np

Icetravaganza Scratch Card
- 50,000np
- Rare Artifact of Terror Mountain

Battle Dome Links

Brain Tree
Complete the Brain Tree Quest

Refresh multiple times at the Maraqua Whirl Pool

Count Von Roo
Be at the defence shop at 6:00 NST

Dexter, Blossom & Buttercup

Donna Williams

Open the correct tomb door

Dr. Petrov

Random event

Earth Faerie

Complete her quest

Complete his quest but make sure your not on a quest already

Fire Faerie
Select her and win in Gormball

Frost Beast

George Jetson, Mandark & Dexters Robot


Island Shopkeeper

Jelly Chia


Koi Warrior
Refresh at Maraqua World Pool multiple times.

Magnus the Torch

Missing Link


Mutated Chia

Pant Devil
Have something stolen by him


Ryshu the Nimmo

Sabre X
A random event in Tyrannia

Shadow Usul
A random event

Try to steal something from the snowager (he must blast you with icy blast)

Snow Faerie
Complete a quest of hers

The Spider Grundo

Complete a quest of hers

Wolf Man

Gourmet Food List
Great thanks go to Mysterymom3@aol.com and Peggy Cook midnitegurly@hotmail.com for their greatly appreciated and awesome contributions.

Angelic Ice Lolly
Ants on Ants
Apple and Custard Drops
Apple Lantern
Artichoke Cupcake
Artichoke and Onion Surprise
Artichoke Fondue
Asparagus Pie
Asparagus Balls
Aubergine Chia Pop
Avocado Chia Pop

Baby Bloater
Baked apple with Snowberries
Banana Achyfi
Banana Grub
Banana Split Chia Pop
Bangers and Mash
Bat Kebab
Beans and Tuna Jacket Potato
Berry Blend Slush
Big Beefy Dog
Big Gulp Neocola
Blackberry Eyrie Cookie
Bluna Burger
Blood Mole Plant
Blueberry Deluxe Cake
Blue Toobers
Bluna Burger
Blue Pepper Pizza
Blumaroo Tail Salad Extravaganza
Bomberry Grog
Brain Kebab
Broccoli and Mustard Sandwich
Broccoli Kebab
Broccoli with Sprinkles
Brussels Sprout Jelly Beans
Bullseye Pizza
Burning Hot Dog

Cabbage Cup Cake
Caesar Salad
Caramel and Custard Drops
Caramel Poogle Biscuit
Caramel Skeith Surprise
Cauliflower Lolly
Cauliflower Shake
Cauliflower Soup
Chain of Onions
Charcoal Jelly Beans
Charlie Slush
Cheesy Apple Stick
Cheesy Asparagus
Cheesy Broccoli Bite
Cheesy Carrots
Cherry Lemonade Slush
Chia Cake
Chili Salmon Souffle
Chip Butty Pizza
Christmas Pudding
Choccy Chip Skeith Biscuit
Chocolate Cherry Cheesesteak
Chocolate Chip Eyrie Cookie
Chocolate Chip Quiggle Cookie
Chocolate Coated Blue Cheese
Chocolate Coated Cheese
Chocolate Coated Cheese Strings
Chocolate Coated Eye
Chocolate Coated Holey Cheese
Chocolate Coated Tanngy Cheese
Chocolate Cream Biscuit
Chocolate Fish
Chocolate Joy Fun Pop
Chocolate Orange Easter Negg
Chocolate Peach
Chocolate Shoyru Meatball
Chokato Crepe
Chokato Chia Pop
Chokato Deluxe Aisha Cake
Christmas Pudding
Cinnamon Eyrie Cookie
Cloud Muffin
Coco Juppie Mocha
Coco Pumpkin
Coconut Juice Bowl
Combomelon Plant
Cone-shaped Cherry
Cone-shaped Lemon
Cone-shaped Orange
Cone-shaped Strawberry
Cone-shaped Watermelon
Cotton Candy Carrot
Corn Pyramid
Creamy Choccywhip
Crunchy Bone Sandwich
Crunchy Snotball
Crusty Clam Surprise
Crystal Burger
Crystal Cookies
Crystal Crunch
Crystal One Soda
Crystal Taco
Crystal Turkey
Cube-shaped Cherry
Cube-shaped Lemon
Cube-shaped Orange
Cube-shaped Strawberry

Dargil Meat Mince Pie
Dark Chocolate Poogle
Dark Chocolate Shoyru
Dark Chocolate Skeith
Deluxe Chia Cake
Deluxe Jacket Potato
Deluxe Strawberry Toffee Chokato
Deluxe Water Pizza
Diet Big Gulp Neocola
Double Chocolate Jelly Beans
Double Chocolate Surprise
Double Cream Vanilla Sponge
Double Stuffed Guppy
Dr. Backwash
Dried Blusops
Dung Slush

Edible tar pizza
Egg and tomato sandwich
ErgyFruit Jelly Beans
Exotic Plant
Explosive Pizza Blasted Goldfish
Extra Cheddar Blasted Goldfish
Extra Cheese Chedder Crisps
Extra Gherkin Hotdog
Evil Blancmange
Evil pinanna

Faerie Block Mellows
Faerie Chocodrop
Faerie Dreamwich
Faerie Fruit Salad
Faerie Sparklecake
Fish Flavour Ice Cream
Fishy Delight Grarrl Gobstopper
Fluff N Stuff Grarrl Gobstopper
Forbidden Plunder
Four Dirt Pizza Block
Four Layer Carrot Cake
French Onion Soup
Fresh Lobster Tail
Fresh Sushi Cone
Fried Suwek
Fright Soda
Frogleg Pizza
Frozen Negg
Frozen Prawn Delight
Frozen Veggie Delight

Gargaraptor arm
Ghost Marshmellows
Golden Cavier
Golden Juppie
Gooseberry Chia Pop
Green Chyrsaberry
Green Ham
Grog Light
Grundos House Special
Grundos Luxury Kebab
Grundo Toe Lint
Gwontek Melon

Hair Stuffed Maggot
Hamarama Ice Lolly
Happy Birthday Pizza
Hazelnut Whirl
Headless Horsefish
Healthy Grass Hot Dog
Honey and Bacon Burger
Honey Blossom
Honey Dog
Hot and Spicy Blasted Goldfish
Hot Dog Sundae
Hot Tyrannian Pepper

Intestines and marinara
Island Meatloaf

Jelly Covered Greycorn
Jelly Finger
Jolly Green Jiggling Jelly
Juppiemint Bar
Juicy Melon

Keel Haul
Kraku Berries
Kraku Berry Cove

Large Chia Cake
Le Sausage
Lemon and Lime Easter Negg
Lemon Blitz-Mega
Lemon Chia Pop
Lemon Pop
Lemon Sherbert Jelly Beans
Lime Chomby Cake
Linked Hot Dogs
Lobster Berry Surprise
Luxury Cabbage Cake
Luxury Chocolate Easter Negg

Man O War
Mecha Dog
Meerca Pie
Megachili Hot Dog
Mega Tuna Sandwich
Mega Manoroot Sandwich
Mega Pipper Sandwich
Mighty Steakwich
Mild Burnumup
Milkyway Shake
Mini Baby Hotdogs
Mint Chocolate Blumaroo
Mint Chocolate Chia
Mint Chocolate Easter Negg
Mint Chocolate Kacheek
Mint Chocolate Lupe
Mint Chocolate Peophin
Minty Choccywhip
Minty Eyrie Cookie
Minty Shrimp
Moehog Sundae
Moehog Surprise
Moldy Cheese
Mummified Hot Dog
Murky Green
Mustard and Tofu Dog
Mynci Surprise Ice Cream
Murky Green

Nimmo Day Fruit Cake
Nutritional Block

Odorra Pod
Omnipotent Onion Grarrl Gobstopper
Onion and Mustard Pie
Onion Cola
Orange Chia Cake
Orange Chocolate Scorchio
Our Famous Krawk Pie
Oyster Obession

Pan Galactic Gargle Slushie
Parsnip Pie
Parts on a Pizza
Patrapiller and Honey
Peach Chia Pop
Peach Jelly
Peachpa Stuffed Potato
Peachy Pizza
Pear Chia Pop
Peppered Kersla Bug
Pickled Onion
Pinanna Paradise
Pinanna Plus
Pineapple Chia Pop
Pizza of Death
Pizza Sandwich
Plum Chia Pop
Polka Carrot
Polka Dot Hot Dog
Poogle Biscuit
Pretty Pink Easter Negg
Prime Beef and Chicken Meatballs
Purple Sardplant
Puzzle Fruit
Puntec Fruit
Pyamind Banana
Pyramid Pear
Pyramid Strawberry
Pyramid Purpple

Quiggle Pie

Radish and Cheese
Radish Meringue
Radish Pie
Rainbow Carrot
Rainbow Melt Pizza
Rainbow Negg
Raptraphant Leg
Rest in Peace of Chicken
Roe Sushi
Runny Snot

Salmon Sherbert-Mega
Seafarers Hot Dog
Secret Sloth Slushie
Shiver Me Shrimp
Slithering Snake Taco
Smelly Sardine Wrap
Snowberry Crepe
Snowberry Quiggle Cake
Sour Uni Cake
Sour Melon
Space Slush
Spooky Flying Doughnut
Spooky Ghostbeef
Spooky Handwich
Spooky Jelly Brains
Spotted Easter Negg
Spotted Pudding with Custard
Sporkle Leg
Squid on a Stick
Stack It High Cake
Starfish Pizza
Strange Pinanna
Strawberries and Cream Easter Negg
Strawberry Chia Pop
Strawberry Fondant Surprise
Strawberry Poogle Biscuit
Strawberry Shimmer Cake
Strawberry Skeith Biscuit
Steak Surprise
Strong Berry
Stuffed Penupe
Sunny Delight Caribbean Style
Super Gelupepper
Super Spicy Jelly Beans
Sweet Necklace
Swill Pudding

Taco Dog
Tartan Chia Pop
Terry Berry
The Stuff
Tiggerbuggle Scorchio Cookie
Tiger Orange Slush
Tigersquash Crepe
Tigersquash Spectacular
Tomato Cannon Ball
Tomato Chia Pop
Tomato Kebab
Triple Choco-Strawberry Cake
Tropical Breeze
Turkey Dinner
Twin Salad
Tyrannian Water Negg

Ultimate Ice Negg
Ugly pinanna

Vein Cabbage
Vionanna Mince Pie

Waffle Burger
Watermelon Roll
Water Pizza
Whiter Cheddar Blasted Goldfish
Whole Chili Deluxe Pizza
Whole Garden Fresh Pizza
Whole Yummy Cloud Pizza
Whomp Berries
Wing of Korbat
Wormy Slush

Yummy Drops

Zenenna Crepe
Zenanna Split
Zonutuk Fruit

Abilities Table
Thanks to Ron Marceau Ussj4Gohan356@msn.com for many of this information
At certain levels (stages of growth and experience), your pet will gain certain powers. These range from the ability to hide to shooting fireballs or flying! Every couple of levels your pet will gain new abilities. This page allows you to view and activate these special powers!
Level: Light Dark Earth Air Fire Water
1 Magic Torch Magic Pebbles Spark Smoke Screen Heal
2 Night Vision
3 Tough Skin Fiery Roar Bubble Shield
4 Flash Nighttime
5 Air Shield
6 Magic Berries Fiery Gaze Water Jet
7 Bless Temporal Leak
8 Haste Fireball
9 Quench
10 Sun Ray Shroud Burrow Thunder Tail
12 Demon Breathe Negg Flight War Cry Steam shield
13 Psychic Blast
15 Twisting Vines Lava Spit
16 Water Breathing
17 Mote Dance Shadow Health Dive
19 Great Feast Song of the Volcano
20 Water of Life
21 Life Drain Invisibility
22 Restore
23 Regeneration
24 Boil
28 Diamond Dust
30 Sink Stone Legion Healing Vapor
33 Ascension Teleport Meteor Shower Watery Guardian
magic berries-creates 2 healing berries; heals 3-9 hp each
drain life-takes away 11% of the hp from opponent and heals your pet w/it
heal-restores hp depending on your lvl
negg-creates 2 healing neggs; heals 4-5 hp each
fiery gaze- light attack, may freeze opponent
diamond dust-light attack, may freeze opponent
air shield-defends air
boil-defends water
burrow-defends air, earth, physical, fire, and water
great feast-creates healing apples; heal 2-13 hp
dive-attacks earth, light, and physical
haste-air attack
lava spit-air and light attack
meteor shower-fire and physical attack
mote dance-defends dark
regeneration-33% of lost hp gained
restore-33% of lost hp gained
sink-dark, fire, light, water and physical attack
song of the volcano-dark and earth attack
steam shield-defends lots of light
sun ray-water attack
tough skin-defends water
twisting vines-dark and physical attack also defends dark
water jet-physical attack
watery guardian-physical attack

Negg Values
To be honest, I don't know what the heck neggs are for and what happens to them after the neggery, and while I'm on the subject, how the by products are used, but what the hey, here is a list of their current exchange points.

The First Neggs
1 Negg 2 Purple Negg 3 Green Negg 4 Orange Negg 5 Pink Negg 5 Blue Negg 6 Yellow Negg 6 Rainbow Negg
Easter Neggs
32 Lemon and Lime Easter Negg 28 Luxury Chocolate Easter Negg 26 Mint Chocolate Easter Negg 22 Chocolate Orange Easter Negg 18 Pretty Pink Easter Negg 24 Spotted Easter Negg 16 Strawberries and Cream Easter Negg 10 Strawberry Swirl Easter Negg 10 Lemon Sherbert Easter Negg 10 Chyrsaberry Surprise Easter Negg 10 Cornupepper Easter Negg 10 Sardplant Easter Negg 10 Phear Easter Negg 10 Peachpa Easter Negg 10 Lovely Lime Easter Negg 10 Dancing Daisy Easter Negg 8 Fishy Easter Negg
Special Neggs
9 Rainbow Vanilla Negg 11 Negg Cream Cookie 11 Scrambled Rainbow Negg 2 Ice Negg 4 Super Ice Negg 6 Ultra Ice Negg 8 Ultimate Ice Negg 9 Punegg 9 Ranegg 14 Frozen Negg 0 Deviled Negg 0 Negg Sundae 0 Negg Salad 0 Negg Stew 0 Sliced Neggs 50 Fish Negg 0 Bag of Infinite Neggs 0 Snow Tiger Egg 0 Super Snow Tiger Egg
Neggery Neggs
3 Happiness Negg 6 Glamour Negg 7 Smiley Negg 12 Blue Furry Negg 15 Sweet Heart Negg 18 Crystal Negg 20 Vortex Negg 20 Genius Negg 22 Christmas Tree Negg 27 Bang Bang Negg 28 Fireball Negg 28 Icestorm Negg 30 Spinning Negg 35 Basic Power Negg 35 Evil Negg 43 Kaleideonegg 47 Faerie Queen Negg 51 Rainwater Negg 53 Confusonegg 55 Radioactive Negg 60 Silver Knight Negg 66 Power Negg 80 Cackling Negg 90 Plaid Negg 105 Snegg 112 Spiked Negg 132 Super Negg 206 Cool Negg

Mushroom Effects
These mushrooms originate from the areas of the Spooky Wood where no sane neopet wander. However, some mushrooms can do wondrous things to your pet! It is up to you however to decide and take the risk. Well, maybe not really a risk as I will tell you what they do.

Bad Toadstool This is one ugly mean toadstool. It is most probably poisonous. Eat this mushroom and you will find that it will it will make your pet feel bad and make it lose some hp. (temporary)
Bloatershroom Wow what a fat mushroom! Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Blood Mushroom This mushroom eats small animals, hence its deep red blood colouration. Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Blue Healthshroom Vitalising and healthy - eat this mushroom to restore your pet a full hit point! Eat this mushroom and you will find that your active pet will get more healthy by 1 hit point.
Flakyshroom Lovely and flaky, this mushroom is very nice when fried! Eat this mushroom and you will find that it will feed your pet.
Floatyshroom Floatyshrooms hang in the air, they don't grow in soil at all. Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Green Healthshroom A souped up version of the Blue Healthshroom! Eat this mushroom and you will find that it heals your pet.
Green Toadstool Toadstools are usually bad for your pet... Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet and heals it by 3 hit points.
Level Up Shroom This mystical mushroom is the most sought after as it will put any pet who eats it up a level! Eat this mushroom and your pet's level will be raised by 1.
Mega Power Plusshroom Straight from the dimension of goodness, this Mega Power Plus mushroom will do your pet a world of good! Eat this mushroom and you will find that your pet will feel more powerful and it's level raised by 1.
Pink Toadstool This one does not look very tasty :( Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Poisionous Mushroom Do not eat this mushroom, its not very nice at all!!! It will most probably give your pet a disease! Eat this mushroom and you will find that it will give your pet neopox.
Propellorshroom If you throw this up in the air then it will fly away... we arent too sure what happens if you eat it. Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Smellyshroom Boy this one smells, most unappetising! Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Spindly Mushrooms Very tall, these are hard to collect because the wind usually breaks them in half. Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Strength Shroom What fails to kill you will make you stronger. Feed it to your pet and it will gain in strength between 1 and 3.
Super Fast Shroom Make your pet faster... permanently with this incredibly rare treat! Eat this mushroom and you will find that it will increase your pet's speed by 1.
Tealshroom What a lovely shade of teal. That will go great with my curtains :) Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Ugly Mushroom This mushroom is depressed... nobody loves it :( Eat this mushroom and you will find that it feeds your pet.
Yellow Mushroom The most powerful Healthshroom on the market! This one cures your pet of any disease also! Eat this mushroom and you will find that it cures your pet of any disease and restores your pet's hp!

Negg Effects With the influx of millions of new neggs into our fair neopia, it is only right that a guide is set up for you guys to know what the effects of eating them are. Effects can range from good like the plaid negg which will raise a random level ability to bad effects such as the glamour negg which will decrease your pets intelligence just so it can make your pet more beautiful. Whatever you deciede, choose wisely, if you want your pet to be a battler, sure, why not use them but it may be more useful if you sell them because you might make a bit of money.
Bang Bang Negg Snowball Inside
Sweet Heart Negg Ice Cream Inside
Vortex Negg Unpredictable (Can change your color)
Kaleideonegg Similar to Lab Ray
Genius Negg Increase Intelligence & Receive a Book
Glamour Negg Decrease Intelligence & get a Gold Mirror or Hairbrush
Blue Furry Negg Recover up to 5 HP
Christmas Tree Negg Recover up to 10 HP
Crystal Negg Recover up to 8 HP
Cackling Negg Shadow Health Ability (Any Pet Level)
Confusonegg Gain Psychic Powers & the Ability to Confuse Enemies
Spinning Negg Air Shield Ability (Any Pet Level)
Rainwater Negg Creates Shield of Water& Steam in the Battledome
Evil Negg
Fireball Negg
Ice Storm Negg
Basic Power Negg +1 Defense
Cool Negg Gain Level, +2-4 Strength, +2-4 Movement, +2-4 HP
Faerie Queen Negg + HP
Plaid Negg Raises Level of Random Ability (Can change pets Color)
Power Negg + Strength
Radioactive Negg Raises level of Random Ability
Silver Knight Negg + Defense
Spiked Negg Gain 4-6 HP
Snegg Gain 1-3 HP, & 1-3 Movement/Agility
Super Negg Same as Snegg Plus Gain a Level

Beat Punchbag Bob
You know what? Although Punchbag Bob never attacks you, he has to be one of the hardest battledome challengers to beat because he has over 5000np @_@ Defeating this kind of opponent the usual way would take ages, literally nearly over 2 hours @_@

Well rest assured, he can now be beaten with ease (within time frame of 2 minutes?) and hey, its very easy, you don't even have to be a good fighter too!

How To Do It
Having entered into a battledome fight with Punchbag Bob, select two weapons and on the drop down menu, select fierce attack. Then click on "go". Wait a second, then click on it again, wait another second and so on. What this is effect does is send your information except you won't let the page load so its really quick. If you use internet explorer, look on the bottom left of your screen. When it says "website found, waiting for reply," click on go again. Do this for about a minute and his hp should go down rapidly while yours is, basically the same! (note, only works on Punchbag Bob, do this on any other character and your fighter faints.) Do this for about 3 minutes and you should find a shiny new trophy in your user lookup just for beating Punchbag Bob!

Heres were the hidden tower is.